Friday, October 2, 2009

It's a...

BOY!!! We had our ultrasound today and baby #3 is a boy! Thad and I watched Will and Annie Gray's ultrasound last night, so we are pretty much experts on how to tell if it is a boy or a girl and we both saw it before the tech said anything. He looks healthy and we are right on track! We are so excited! Will and Annie Gray went with us so that we were all together to hear the good news. Will's reaction was the best! When she said, "You are going to have a little brother!" Will said, "YES!!! This is going to be so much fun!!" We were laughing so hard (I was crying too, but that is expected!). Annie Gray will be the official queen bee!

On another note... one of Will's funny thoughts for the week... In the car today he said, "God protects us. He always protects us from things. You know, like pandas and bunnies. Pandas and bunnies scare me and God protects me from them." Silly monkey!


Unknown said...

Congrats!!!!!!!!! No twins.. booooo :(

M. Congleton said...

how exciting! I can't believe you will have 3 kids!

The Skippers said...

Congratulations. My prediction was wrong, but how exciting for Annie Gray! Will is hillarious.

Garrett said...

We are so excited!